High School category Light Pollution: ‘Light Pollution’ 2024
Non-competitive category “light pollution”
Most environmental pollution on Earth comes from humans and their inventions. Take, for example, the automobile or that miraculous man-made material, plastic. Today, car emissions are a major source of air pollution that contributes to climate change and plastics are filling our ocean, posing a significant health risk to marine animals.
Teams participating in this category of the Competition will be given
a certificate of participation in the European project “CliC-PoLiT”.
The official supplier of equipment for the Panhellenic Educational Robotics Competition is Διερευνητική Μάθηση. For participants in the WRO Hellas competitions, Investigative Learning offers a special 10% discount using the card STEM Club.
If you have equipment compatible with the requirements of the category, you can use it..
High School category Light Pollution: ‘Light Pollution’ 2024
Non-competitive category “light pollution”
Most environmental pollution on Earth comes from humans and their inventions. Take, for example, the automobile or that miraculous man-made material, plastic. Today, car emissions are a major source of air pollution that contributes to climate change and plastics are filling our ocean, posing a significant health risk to marine animals.
Teams participating in this category of the Competition will be given
a certificate of participation in the European project “CliC-PoLiT”.
The official supplier of equipment for the Panhellenic Educational Robotics Competition is Διερευνητική Μάθηση. For participants in the WRO Hellas competitions, Investigative Learning offers a special 10% discount using the card STEM Club.
If you have equipment compatible with the requirements of the category, you can use it..
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